Christmas, 1999

It was Laura's first Christmas, so everyone came (Lori and Ron arrived after these photos were taken). All photographs are courtesy of Krissy and Robert.

Santa SantaSantaSantaSanta

We missed my father, that justly-proclaimed "eclectic maverick," who had passed away just after the holidays last year. He would have loved being with his granddaughter at her first Christmas.

Laura's Big Bottle
Laura takes very big bottles now!
Opening a Present!
Opening presents was lots of fun.
Laura and Gabe
Laura and Gabe
Laura and Krissy
Laura and Aunt Krissy
Laura Dances on Her Piano
Laura dances on her Kick-n-Play piano
Laura and Robert
Laura confronts Robert
Lunchtime in the galley
December 26th was spent on the water
On the sailboat.
Everything tastes better on a boat!

Christmas is a time for remembrance and reflection, change and rebirth. For us, the year became Laura, and the new millenium started six months early at 11:37 PM on July 5th, 1999. A torch has been passed. Christmas has entered a new age.
